Sunday, March 17, 2013

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

                 also known as the Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave, or the Parable of the Cave - an allegory used by Plato in his work, to illustrate "our nature in it's education and want of education".

Sample Sentences:

  • Allegory of the Cave was constructed by Plato.
  • The purpose of Allegory of the Cave is to enlighten the prisoners'.
  • Allegory of the Cave gives you a slight interpretation of what Plato was like in society.

          History Guide
          Plato's Allegory

                 The Allegory of the Cave is an analogy written by Plato to distinguish the differences of enlightenment, meaning the unenlightened and enlightened.  Before, all the prisoners sit looking at shadows and perceive them as reality.  One escapes and sees that they're not objects, but only shadows and then is killed for having that knowledge.

Visual Representations:

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